Audio:QS150401 C-box: BallLoc:287,244,304,261;73,230,90,247;217,107,234,124;186,165,203,182;276,149,293,166;345,199,362,216;376,272,393,289 LineNum: GeoBytesUsed:3 PaletteNeutralPic:GQ15_20.pic A-box or Headline5:N/A A-box or Headline6:N/A Correct:Egypt*QS150402* Wrong 1:Australia Wrong 2:Belgium Wrong 3:China Wrong 4:Iceland Wrong 5:Mexico Wrong 6:Ukraine Wrong 7: Wrong 8: GeoByte1:The front of this bill is bordered with hieroglyphics, the picture writing of the ancient Egyptians. GeoByte2:Abu Simbel, pictured on this bill, is a temple built for Ramses II in the 13th century B.C.E. GeoByte3:The ancient Egyptians used gold, silver and copper in any shape or form as money. GeoByte4: GeoByte5: GeoByte6: GeoByte7: GeoByte8: GeoByte9: GeoByte10: First Pict Cast:GQ150490.PIC VideoReward:#none Palette:PaletteQ4 StartVideo:GQ150450.MOV EndVideo: MapPictCast:GQ150450.PIC Glossary Start Glossary End